Practical Leadership

Staff say Project Planning offers – “Lots of tips and tricks”

Staff at the University of Dundee participated in part one of Fistral’s ‘Introduction to Project Planning’ webinar series, as part of the University’s OPD programme. This first session, ‘Establishing Foundations’, looks at the groundwork of a successful project.

We asked the group which part of the webinar they found to be the most beneficial and why:

  • “Grouping project objectives into ‘must haves’, ‘nice to haves ‘and ‘bells & whistles’, pointing out that budget can be measured as hours as well as £s.  Both were useful and new (to me) perspectives”
  • “Understanding of project management skills to work more effectively”
  • “Using stakeholder mapping to not only identify stakeholders, but to help identify risks and opportunities”
  • “Project triangle and stakeholder mapping”
  • “Looking at the strategies used in project planning”

Other Comments from the staff included; “good presentation, engaging”, “good pace and lots of tips and tricks to take on board” and “Enhanced my understanding.”

Posted in News & Newsletter, Online Training, Project Management, Staff and tagged , , , , , .
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