Fistral Coaching

“Fun, interactive, super intense and good learning experience.” – 4.73 overall for Strategic PM

The first run of our new Strategic Project Management 3-day course with Queen’s University, Belfast was exceedingly well received. Overall feedback was extremely positive, with trainer and course rating 4.73 out of 5 overall (5 being excellent).

Designed and delivered by Fistral as part of QUB’s Chartered Management Institute (CMI) level 7 Certificate in Stategic Project Management, the course met and exceeded all our expectations, and was fun and challenging all-round.

Top 5 comments (in addition to the one in the title) included:

  1. “This was an absolutely brilliant course. The mix of theory and practical work was great – I feel like we will all have a much better understanding of project management as the result of the practical elements.”
  2. “[The trainer] was wonderful keeping a consistent, motivating energy in a room of easily distracted adults. The information provided was easily transferred to the assignment and real projects. It was clear and straight forward, making application more effective.”
  3. “Excellent course, mix of theoretical + practical really brought content together. Great opportunity to network.”
  4. “Really interesting course! Good & useful training – Excellent!”
  5. “[The trainer was] clearly very knowledgeable [sic] and has a large enthusiasm for the course. Course was very engaging, interesting. The days went quickly – didn’t feel as if they dragged on. [They] didn’t just read slides – excellent at answering questions and managing the day.”

Good luck with teh exam submissions everyone!

Posted in Professional Certification - ILM, CMI, Project Management, Researcher.
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